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Relationships and Health Education (RHE)



The Life to the Full Programme from Ten:Ten Resources have 10 guiding principles that are central to the teaching of Catholic RHE (Relationships and Health Education).

1) Our bodies are good. We are both physical and spiritual - body and soul. I am my body and my body is me. Our dignity comes from the fact that we are made by a loving God. 

2) Through our loving relationships, we become close to the image and likeness of God.

3) Catholic RHE is about the whole person: spiritual, moral, social and cultural education. We always consider the wider context of the whole person.

4) Catholic RHE should be taught in partnership with parents. They are the first educators of the child. It is their right and responsibilty to inform and educate their children in matters relating to human growth and development. We compliment the parents' primary role by assisting and consulting with parents and carers.

5) Our deepest identity is as a child of God. Our children need this deep truth planted, nurtured and burning in their hearts to know that they have been created exactly as they are and chosen by a loving God. 

6) Story can change hearts and minds. We can live life experiences out vicariously through the art of stories and reflect on our life choices and how we might change or adapt and grow.

7) Catholic RHE is an education in virtue. A virtue is a habit or behaviour that leads us to happiness and a closer relationship to God.

8) Catholic RHE is an education in conscience and that God has a purpose for their lives. We help pupils to discern the difference between what helps them grow closer to God and what hinders that close relationship. 

9) Relationship Education is about striving for the common good. When they adopt virtuous habits and form their consciences, pupils will naturally have a desire to help and serve others. Even people they do not personally know.

10) Prayer, scripture and the sacraments underpin the teaching. These are at the foundation of the programme. We provide opportunities for staff, families and the pupils to develop their prayer life.

These principles enable our pupils to live their life to the full through the person of Jesus. 

rshe policy.pdf