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Our Lady and St Brendan's Catholic Primary School

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School Meals

School dinners at OLSB

All children in our school can enjoy a deliciously nutritious hot meal every day, cooked onsite with fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables by our catering team from F.M. Facilities.

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 can have their lunch free of charge. 

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 must pay £2.10 per day for school dinners using Parent Pay

Click 'HERE' to make a dinner money payment.

As you can see from the menus below, there is a wide selection for the children to choose from. Sophie, our chef, offers small sample pots for the children to try new things and encourages them to eat it all up before going out to play. The children choose their lunch during registration at the start of the school day. 

If your child would prefer to bring a packed lunch from home we ask that you ensure that they contain healthy food for the children to enjoy as part of a balanced diet.


Our School Council hold regular food tasting sessions with the catering team to ensure the quality of food meets our children's high standards!



Please let the office know immediately of any allergies or specific dietary requirements so that we can keep all of our children safe and healthy.